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COVID-19 Guidance

Revised July 23, 2024

Per the California Department of Public Health July 11, 2024 Public Health Guidance for TK-12 Schools and Child Care Settings to Support Safe In-Person Services and Mitigate the Spread of Communicable Diseases, 2024-25 School Year:

Staying home when sick can lower the risk of spreadking communicable diseases. When a child arrives with symptoms of illness or develops symptoms at school or child care, a decision must be made as to whether the child can remain on site. Schools and child care should refer to CDPH guidance when determining whether to send the child home (i.e., temporarily exclude) or allow them to remain on site. Many factors should be considered when making this decision, including how to limit the spread of diseases to others, and how to limit educational, social, and other losses that might occur due to absence.

Recommended Actions:

  1. For a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection, follow the recommendations provided in CDC Preventing Spread of Respiratory Viruses When You're Sick.  
  2. Follow guidance for when a child has symptoms of illness in a school or child care to support decision-making.
  3. Avoid policies that incentivize coming to school or child care while sick.
  4. Share educational resources and health-related information (e.g., AAP Healthy Children) when appropriate.